Mathias Vestergaard Corp.

Creative Misfit

Embracing my inner geek: laptop computing

Published on November 20th, 2010


It's all about the keyboard. The sturdy and precise ThinkPad keyboard.

My life evolves around fashion. Nonetheless, this has not always been the case. I still have an inner geek. A geek that loves computers, cell phones and other gadgets. Not only does the geek like the gadgets, he also likes to talk about the gadgets. So this is a (love) story about my personal gadgets, narrated by my inner geek.

“I bought my first laptop in spring 2001. It was a hand me down Digital HiNote Ultra 2000, with 4gb harddrive and 64mb ram. Any computer experience prior to this did not count. A laptop computer was what I needed.

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Facebook and me!

Published on May 26th, 2010


My Point Of View

Today I’ve been in Vejle – a 40 minute train ride south of Århus. I had been invited to give a short inspirational talk about myself and how I use Facebook – and to moderate a Q&A session with Facebook Denmark Account Excecutive Jan Christiansen.
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Talk: My life in the digital world

Published on October 2nd, 2008


Mathias Vestergaard™ it forum event 2008 v2

Yesterday, on Wednesday October 1st, I gave a very short speech at a conference organized by IT Forum Midtjylland. The theme of the conference was “living in a digital world” and the other speakers included the likes of Marc Prensky and Anne Lise Kjaer.

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Facebook: making personal websites obsolete?

Published on July 17th, 2008



My life is about doing what I feel like. I don’t restrict myself to one job or one past-time activity. Personally, I want my virtual online identity to reflect my life style. My identity should be a collection of the diversity of my activities. This encompasses: my cocktail reviews, my website portfolio. my pictures, my random ideas and thoughts and my resume.

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Online education:

Published on April 30th, 2008


image is a free e-learning center, where you can practice your skills in Danish grammar, spelling etc. The site is a supplement to the book Sprogbogen.

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Online education:

Published on December 15th, 2005



Learning a language is never easy. Even your native language has grammar and spelling that you need to maintain and develop, if you want to communicate properly. Dansklærerforeningens Forlag is a Danish publishing house that specializes in educational material for teaching Danish in Denmark.

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Essay: The Digital Tightrope

Published on May 19th, 2005



The Digital Tightrope (‘Den Digital Linedans’) is the title of this essay. I wrote it as my last ordinary assignment in Danish, during my last year in high school. What makes this paper interesting, is not so much the content or its subject (how our language is influenced by the use of cell phones) but rather its distinctive form.

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Exam project: Principles of modern block encryption (SSO)

Published on March 1st, 2005



On your final year in Danish high school, you are required to write a project on one of your Majors. I chose to write my project on mathematics, focussing on the principles of block encryption in the Rijndael algorithm (used in AES).

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Feature: The use of IT in elementary schools

Published on January 21st, 2005


Front page of Computerworld on January 21st, 2005

In 2004, a questionnaire on the educational levels of elementary school children in Europe, showed that Danish kids were not nearly as well educated as our neighbours. After the publication of these results, there was a public debate on how we should improve the overal level. This feature was my contribution to the debate. Read more.