Creative Misfit
Published on October 5th, 2008
During my time in high school I wrote a ton of assignments, however, only a select few deserve public access.
Published on June 1st, 2007
This paper discusses the use of digital manipulation in fashion photography and how this is changing our general perception of photos in general. Read more.
Published on February 5th, 2007
Lassegruppen was a study group at the department of Information Studies (at the University of Aarhus), collaborating on exam papers from October 2005 through April 2007.
Published on January 14th, 2007
This paper examines the move from a Cartesian distinction between body and mind to a phenomenological body in-the-world. Henceforth, it discusses how clothing in many ways became an integral part of our body, since covering the body is the rule, since public nudity is considered unappropriate .
Published on January 5th, 2007
This paper describes the movement from Max Webers verstehen sociology, to Bruno Latour’s and John Law’s actor-network theory.
Published on June 14th, 2006
How does a phone conversation actually work? This is the central question in this exam project.
Published on May 5th, 2006
In our second semester course on programming and systems development we were allowed to choose between three exam questions. We chose the question titled “data-mining and visualization”.
Published on January 19th, 2006
Why is Novozymes the market leader in industrial enzymes and how can they sustain their competitive advantage?