Mathias Vestergaard Corp.

Creative Misfit

Website: Darklands Fashion Store Berlin

Published on August 15th, 2008



In addition to being an album by Jesus And The Mary Chain, Darklands is also a brand new fashion store in Berlin, Germany.

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Network for Business leaders: KingsArmsNet

Published on July 14th, 2008


Preview of

KingsArmsNet is a new and exclusive network for twenty business leaders from Denmark. They met during a leadership training program and decided to stay in touch so they could exchange valuable insights and experiences. Since it is difficult to have collegues when you ate actually in charge, KingsArmsNet also functions as a social group. Read more.



New website for me

Published on July 7th, 2008



The personal website has evolved from a standard business card to an online portfolio. Some switched to blogs, whilst others moved into the online open spaces of social networks like MySpace and Facebook. My old website had become a Hemmingwayan island, perpetually isolated from the real action and consequently fragmented into numerous sub-sites for various projects.

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Corporate identity in simple Flash games

Published on May 15th, 2008



Sabroe, one of the best-known designers, specialist manufacturers and suppliers of high-quality refrigeration equipment in the world, wanted to have a simple memory game on their website.

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Online education:

Published on April 30th, 2008


image is a free e-learning center, where you can practice your skills in Danish grammar, spelling etc. The site is a supplement to the book Sprogbogen.

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Taking a break form E-learning

Published on April 15th, 2008



During the past seven years I’ve been doing quite a lot of projects evolving  around the concept of e-learning. Most recently, I worked with Finanssektorens Uddanelsescenter (the Educational center for financial institutions) creating small games and other activities to give the user a break from the actual learning. Read more.



Folding doors

Published on March 18th, 2008



On March 18th 2007, carpenter Flemming Wulff sent me an e-mail. He had heard about me at a conference for self-employed people, where Anne-Maria Dahl had mentioned me in her speech. In addition to his work as a carpenter, he is running a small production company which develops custom-made folding doors (see image).

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High-end Fashion store: Komakino 4.0

Published on October 1st, 2007


Preview of Komakino 4.0

The Komakino Guerrilla Store is an amazing men’s store in Vancouver, BC. It moves to a new location every year, following the constant fashion flux. With every move, there appears a new website and for me it was an honour to design this year’s. First, I developed the version 2.0 website, with panoramic images of the physical store. Read more.



A writer’s website: Thorkild Borup

Published on July 29th, 2007



The idea of designing a website for a writer was a new challenge for me. Thorkild Borup has written several books about famous Danish authors including H. C. Andersen, Benny Andersen, Ludvig Holberg and Tom Kristensen. Therefore, he needed a simple website where the main focus would be on the text/words and he showed me a couple of examples from other websites.

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Online shopping guide:

Published on January 18th, 2007, a personal shopping guide by Pernille Skovbjerg Pederse is a personal shopping guide designed and researched by Pernille Skovbjergs home website . The site also is a clear statement about how websites can be more interesting, inspiring and feminine. Read more.



High-end fashion store: Komakino 2.0

Published on November 14th, 2006


Preview of the Komakino 2.0 store

Komakino Guerrilla Store Version 2.0 is a high-end fashion store, built around a nomad-concept: the store moves to a new location every year! Currently it’s located in Vancouver, Canada. Read more.



Showing the hidden – Flash animation for

Published on September 2nd, 2006


Screen shot of the animation for Quickwood

Quickwood is a US based sales company, specializing in products for the wood working industry. In 2001, I was approached by them because they needed a simple and bandwidth effective visualization of their latest product.

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Safe Shopping game for teens

Published on July 7th, 2006



Consumption of goods has become an activity involving ever more products and choices and ever younger consumers. Today, shopping is considered a normal activity for teenagers. However, in a market governed by complex and opaque laws of commerce, being young and unexperienced can make shopping rather haphazardous. Especially, when it comes to warranties and return policies.

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Online education:

Published on December 15th, 2005



Learning a language is never easy. Even your native language has grammar and spelling that you need to maintain and develop, if you want to communicate properly. Dansklærerforeningens Forlag is a Danish publishing house that specializes in educational material for teaching Danish in Denmark.

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Crossword puzzles: and

Published on April 14th, 2005


Example of crossword puzzle from

In close collaboration with illustrator Poul Carlsen, I developed a Flash-based system that can handle crossword puzzles online.

The system was built in 2005.