Creative Misfit
Published on October 5th, 2008
During my time in high school I wrote a ton of assignments, however, only a select few deserve public access.
These include my “3.g-opgave” (SSO) in mathematics on cryptology, my “historieopgave” on the establishment of the Danish monarchy, and three essays in Danish: one about Martin A. Hansen’s short story ‘paradisæblerne’ (second year), another on the saga of Ravnkel Frøjsgode (second year) and finally a dicussion on how our language is influenced by our heavy use of cell phones and text messaging.
During my first two years on Information Studies I wrote most of my exam papers in collaboration with Lassegruppen. All those papers are described there.
On Cognitive Semiotics, I wrote an exam paper on metaphors and image schemas in human cognition and here is available my BA thesis on cognition, language and fashion.
See also: Lassegruppen, BA project: Cognition, Semiotics and Fashion, Project: The Establishment Of The Danish Monarchy,