Mathias Vestergaard Corp.

Creative Misfit

Scout Festival

Published on August 4th, 2008



In August 2008 , a special group of the YMCA Scouts in Denmark organized a brand new type of event. The combination of the best elements of scout camp with music/party marked the creation of Scout Festival. With some additional innovation and creativity, the Scout Festival became a complete unique experience for all participants.

I was lucky enough to be part of the planning-commission for this magnificent event. This naturally, made it even more thrilling to see how well it was received by all participating teenagers. Next to, the selection of the bands we wanted to perform, I was also in charge of a modelling-workshop. However, my biggest task was running the 24/7 movie theater. I had made a rather ambitious selection of new and old movies, which meant following a strict schedule.

Within the next year, I plan to write more about this festival, since it was such a great interactive experience.


See also: Letter to the editor: silly season, From a one-man-show to a duo or trio?, Project: GadeMode™,


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