Mathias Vestergaard Corp.

Creative Misfit

Folding doors

Published on March 18th, 2008



On March 18th 2007, carpenter Flemming Wulff sent me an e-mail. He had heard about me at a conference for self-employed people, where Anne-Maria Dahl had mentioned me in her speech. In addition to his work as a carpenter, he is running a small production company which develops custom-made folding doors (see image).

At the moment, we are now working together on a strategy to present his high quality folding doors, as a trendy and unique alternative to having no doors at all or to your ordinary normal door.

Here you can check out my first website set-up:

This page will be updated as the project develops over time.


See also: Make it big // The Whole World, Always in the making…, Something I love: Teaching,


This entry was filed under Projects, Websites.